
来源:   时间: 2024-05-15 14:45

  (1) Supporting unified allocation of public facilities。根据项目用地规模,按照详细规划及相关标准要求,集中布局、联合建设、合理配置托幼、社区服务及文体活动、卫生服务、老年养护、商业服务等设施,充分满足居民实际需求。

  Policy interpretation:

  According to "Urban Residential area planning and design Standards" GB50180-2018,Corresponding residential district level supporting planning and construction,And living service facilities that match the size of the resident population or the size of the residential building area,主要包括基层公共管理与公共服务设施、商业服务设施、市政公用设施、交通场站及社区服务设施、便民服务设施。


  Policy interpretation:

  While meeting the needs of residents, reasonably allocate the proportion of residential public construction in the land used for real estate development projects。

  3. Encourage efficient use of inefficient land。对盘活低效用地房地产开发项目土地出让价款可以采取分期支付方式,竞买保证金不得低于出让最低价的20%,合同签订后1个月内必须缴纳出让价款50%的首付款,余款要按合同约定及时缴纳,最迟付款时间不得超过1年。

  Policy interpretation:


  (4) Reducing the cost of supporting real estate development。The expenses for the construction of municipal infrastructure such as water, heat and gas for new projects shall be integrated into the cost of land development expenditure。

  Policy interpretation:

  依据:《关于印发<吉林市供水供气供暖接入工程费用分担实施细则>的通知》(吉市发改价格联发〔2024〕17号)中第六条:与储备土地直接相关的市政配套基础设施建设费用可按规定纳入土地开发支出,Funded by the land reserve agency,It shall not be borne by enterprises supplying water, gas and heating。属地政府(开发区)负责统筹协调各相关部门并按规定组织建设实施,所涉及的相关费用需经财政评审。并及时通知供水供气供热企业共同参与可研、设计、验收工作,确保满足市政配套基础设施与新建工程“同步建设,同步投运”要求。

  (5) Encourage the development and construction of ultra-low energy consumption buildings。经核定的The comprehensive energy saving rate is not less than 85%,且符合住建部《十大菠菜网排行》及吉林省工程建设设计标准《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》相关要求的超低能耗建筑房地产项目,给予政策支持。

  Policy interpretation:

  《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》(吉建科〔2024〕7号)中:(一)超低能耗建筑:主要支持符合住建部《十大菠菜网排行》及吉林省《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》相关要求,The comprehensive energy saving rate is not less than 85%。


  Policy interpretation:

  Under the premise of ensuring that the total number of allocated parking Spaces is not reduced,According to the actual situation of the project,Practical, necessary and feasible,The total proportion of above-ground, underground and mechanical parking Spaces can be adjusted appropriately,However, the ratio adjustment of above-ground and underground parking Spaces and the ratio adjustment of mechanical parking Spaces can only be adopted in one of two ways,And shall not exceed the corresponding limited proportion。

  (7) Encourage innovative residential design to meet the demand for improved housing。对尚未办理规划条件核实的住宅项目以及新建住宅项目,住宅项目可配置更开敞、舒适的阳台,合理设置设备平台。开敞阳台按照水平投影50%计算建筑面积和容积率;每户住宅设置设备平台水平投影面积之和不超过5平方米的,不计算建筑面积和容积率;超出5平方米部分面积,按其水平投影面积计算建筑面积和容积率。

  Policy interpretation:

  According to the reality of our city。

  (八)住宅项目在建设用地范围内建设的售楼处,可在项目主体工程申报建设工程规划许可证前,先行申请办理临时建设工程规划许可证。The sales office combines the construction of supporting service facilities such as commercial outlets and is incorporated into the main project design scheme,In the construction of the main project of the construction project planning permit,Cancel the temporary construction project planning permit simultaneously;Not incorporated into the main engineering design scheme,It should be dismantled by itself before the last planning verification of the main works。

  Policy interpretation:

  To realize the construction project "land immediately start",In accordance with urban and rural planning laws and regulations,Refer to the successful experience of Nanjing and other cities,Combined with the reality of our city,After the construction unit or individual signs the land transfer contract and pays the land transfer fee according to the regulations,May apply in the main project construction project planning approval process,Apply for the temporary construction project planning permit for the sales office first。

  9. Improving the efficiency of relocation and resettlement。根据回迁户意愿,鼓励支持各区政府货币化购买城市区域内已办理《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》、已确定交付时间的商品住房用于回迁安置。

  Policy interpretation:

  According to the reality of our city。

  (10) Promote the "transfer of stock housing"。Simplify mortgage inventory transaction procedures,Establish a regulatory mechanism for trading funds,Carry out the transaction transfer of mortgaged stock housing without lifting the original mortgage state (i.e., "transfer with mortgage"),符合条件经抵押权人同意实现同步完成抵押存量房过户、受让人抵押权新设、转让人原抵押权注销等多个事项,Save both sides of the transaction capital and time costs。

  Policy interpretation:

  以往要买卖正在抵押、未还清贷款的房屋,买卖双方大多只能先由买方垫资或卖方自行筹借款项后,卖方去银行还贷、解除抵押登记,房屋才能过户到买方名下,再办理按揭贷款。There are many problems in this model, such as: large risk of loan repayment, high financing cost, long time and so on。Implement the "transfer of second-hand housing" model,The seller does not have to go to the bank to repay the loan and cancel the mortgage registration,With the consent of the mortgagee,It can directly register the real estate in Jilin City to complete the transfer registration of second-hand houses, the buyer's mortgage mortgage registration and other procedures,By setting up a fund supervision account,Use the buyer's loan to repay the seller's loan,It saves time, reduces costs and reduces transaction risks for both buyers and sellers,Ensure the safety of transaction funds,Helps with the circulation of the house,Improved transaction security。

  (11) Real estate development projects shall implement the first registration of "sub-building" and the verification and acceptance of phased planning。Some of the buildings that have completed the construction can be planned and verified separately。When the completion acceptance record form is obtained and the development enterprise undertakes to complete the overall construction project according to the plan,Part of the buildings that have completed the completion acceptance record,Handle the first registration of immovable property;Real estate development projects that are not delivered on time,在符合相关规划要求且社区、物业用房、幼儿园等配套建筑已先期按要求完成相关部门验收的前提下,Phased planning verification of completed buildings is possible,After planning verification,A real estate registration certificate without land allocation area may be issued to the corresponding right holder in advance。

  Policy interpretation:

  房地产项目首次登记是指房地产开发企业利用国有建设用地建造房屋的项目整体竣工验收后提交工程符合规划、土地权属来源和竣工验收等材料申请不动产权登记。此项措施出台后允许开发企业在单栋规划核实并已完成竣工备案前提下,分栋申办首次登记。此措施解决了开发企业因特殊原因Project progress停滞的问题,有效地保证项目按期交房,解决民生问题,避免不稳定因素的出现,促进房地产开发企业良性发展,有效地营造了良好的营商环境。

  (12) Relaxing the conditions for registration of real estate transfer notice。Land for real estate development acquired by means of transfer,The total investment in development does not reach 25%,In accordance with the principle of "investment before transfer",The two parties sign a transfer contract,With the consent of the municipal government and the administrative committee of the development zone,Can apply for real estate transfer notice registration,When the total amount of development reaches the statutory transfer requirements,Then handle the registration of real estate transfer in accordance with the law。预告登记权利人可以凭不动产预告登记证明及其他必要材料向有关部门申请办理建设项目报建、销售等手续。

  Policy interpretation:


  (13) Activating basement and parking space assets。对已取得国有土地使用权并已办理《十大菠菜网排行》的地下室、地下车位,可以申请办理抵押权登记。在符合规划、人防要求并已缴纳地下部分土地出让价款的前提下,对地下室和有明确界址点的地下车位,依申请可以办理不动产产权登记。

  Policy interpretation:


  (14) The implementation of deregistration of the mortgage project under construction "by set" or "by building"。Commercial housing that has been mortgaged for projects under construction,The development enterprise shall meet the conditions for the registration of division by unit (building),With the consent of the mortgagee, the original mortgaged property and secured claims shall be divided by sets (blocks) and the registration of mortgage change shall be handled,开发企业可按每套(栋)商品房担保债权陆续清偿所欠贷款并按套(栋)办理抵押权注销登记,Revitalize mortgaged commercial housing,Ease the financial pressure on enterprises。

  Policy interpretation:

  开发企业在建设初期,为了完成建设资金的积累,大多数都会办理整体在建工程抵押,随着在建工程的逐渐完工,累积的资金也消耗殆尽,开发企业急需将完工部分抵押工程销售,盘活资金链。In the past, the project was mortgaged by the construction in progress,The pre-sale license cannot be processed,Now by breaking down the construction to the household,Turn the whole into an individual,It provides the precondition for the mortgagee to agree to release the mortgaged property one by one,Achieve sales of one household,Mortgage cancellation of one household,It not only facilitates loan repayment by financial institutions,It has also accumulated new capital for development companies,Ease the financial pressure on enterprises,Revitalize mortgaged commercial housing,Promote the circulation of commercial housing。

  (15) Adjusting the conditions for the sale of commercial housing。在办理First registration of immovable property后未售出的商品房,可以进行抵押权登记,房地产开发企业在抵押权注销后,可以申请将自持房屋状态变更为现售商品房状态。

  Policy interpretation:

  1."We will adjust the conditions for the sale of commercial housing。在办理First registration of immovable property后未售出的商品房,可以进行抵押权登记”以往已经办理预售许可证的楼盘,为了防止个别不良开发企业一房二卖,对未售出的商品房是不允许办理抵押权登记的。Data is now shared through the Planning Bureau, the Housing Authority and the Inland Revenue Department,Through the strengthening of management means,Effectively eliminate the risk of selling one room two,At present, development enterprises are allowed to convert unsold commercial housing in a timely manner according to the accumulation of funds and the needs of market entities,Can effectively guarantee the project construction capital needs,At the same time, it can inject impetus into the active real estate market。


  (16) Extending the term of housing provident fund loans。The term of the housing provident fund loan is extended to five years after the statutory retirement time, and the term of the loan shall not exceed 30 years。

  Policy interpretation:

  The policy aims to reduce the pressure on employee families to repay loans, especially to meet the needs of provident fund loans for employees approaching retirement age。

Policy content

Before the adjustment

After the adjustment

Maximum age at which male employees can borrow



The maximum age at which female employees can borrow



  (17) Increase the calculation multiple of the housing provident fund loan limit。缴存职工The loan amount is calculated as a multiple提高至夫妻双方账户余额之和15倍,账户余额之和不足3万元的按3万元计算,最低可贷款额度提高至45万元。

  Policy interpretation:

  The policy aims to guarantee the minimum loan amount for low - and middle-income families and employees with small CPF account balances。

Policy content

Before the adjustment

After the adjustment

The loan amount is calculated as a multiple



Minimum loanable amount



  18. Optimizing the withdrawal policy for housing provident fund purchases。Abolish the policy restrictions on employees' withdrawal of provident fund by purchasing non-domicile or non-provident fund deposit for self-occupancy。Employee loans to buy housing outside the city,After the first payment of the loan,可随时申请提取住房公积金偿还贷款;职工全款购买非本市住房或全款购买本市第三套及以上住房,After 12 months from the registration date of the Real Estate Right Certificate or the record date of the purchase contract, you can apply for withdrawal of the housing provident fund。

  Policy interpretation:

  为满足缴存职工异地购房的实际需求,Combined with the reality of our city,Abolish the policy restrictions on employees' withdrawal of provident fund by purchasing non-domicile or non-provident fund deposit for self-occupancy。同时为加强公积金风险防控管理,依据《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》(建金〔2018〕46号)有关规定,对购房提取政策进行适当调整。

  1.The implementation standards for the withdrawal of employee loans to purchase non-municipal housing are consistent with those for loan purchases of municipal housing。


  ② Full settlement withdrawal in advance: the total amount withdrawn by both husband and wife does not exceed the amount fully settled in advance。The withdrawal time limit must be handled within one year after the loan is settled。

  2.Pay the relevant requirements for employees to purchase non-municipal housing with full payment or to purchase the third and above housing in the city with full payment。

  ①夫妻双方可在购买住房两年内一次性提取住房公积金,提取总额不超过实际发生的住房支出。This policy is a uniform provision for the withdrawal of housing provident fund for house purchases。

  ②为加强风险管理,有效规范住房公积金提取管理秩序,缴存职工家庭全款购买非本市住房或全款购买本市第三套及以上住房,须购房一年后申请提取住房公积金。At the same time, the registration certificate of the place where the purchase is made, the deposit certificate of the provident fund and other requirements are cancelled。

  综上,缴存职工家庭全款购买非本市住房或全款购买本市第三套及以上住房,须在购房一年以后且两年以内一次性提取住房公积金。The purchase time is determined according to the date of contract registration and filing or the date of obtaining the certificate of real estate rights。

  (19) Optimize the deposit conditions of "business to public" loans。Employees who have continuously, normally and fully paid housing provident fund for more than 6 months (including) can apply for "business to public" loans。

  Policy interpretation:


Policy content

Before the adjustment

After the adjustment

Provident fund contribution conditions



  (20) Launch "commercial to public" portfolio loans。已办理商业性住房贷款的借款人可以将原商业贷款转为住房公积金贷款和商业贷款的组合贷款。

  Policy interpretation:

  Borrowers who have already handled commercial loans can convert the original commercial loans into a combination of provident fund loans and commercial loans。“商转公”组合贷款按照《十大菠菜网排行》《十大菠菜网排行》等相关规定办理。“商转公”组合贷款最高贷款额度(公积金贷款和商业贷款)不能超过所购房屋评估价格的70%,且不得高于商业贷款剩余本金余额。


  (21) Support the mortgage financing of the right to use construction land。支持不以公益为目的的养老、教育、医疗等社会领域企业,用有偿方式取得的建设用地使用权等财产进行抵押融资。When the mortgage right is realized, the use of the land shall not be changed。

  Policy interpretation:

  According to the reality of our city。

  (22) Increase financing support for construction enterprises。Commercial banks are encouraged to meet the reasonable financing needs of construction enterprises on the basis of law and compliance and risk control。加强对项目资金的监管力度,合法合规简化返还建设工程质量保证金手续,缓解企业流动性资金压力。

  Policy interpretation:


  (23) Establish a working mechanism for financing coordination。加大房地产企业金融政策支持,建立融资支持房地产项目“白名单”,搭建政银企沟通平台,推动房地产企业和金融机构精准对接,促进不同所有制房地产企业合理融资需求。

  Policy interpretation:


  第一条建立城市房地产融资协调机制指导各地级及以上城市建立由城市政府分管住房城乡建设的负责同志担任组长,属地住房城乡建设部门、金融监管总局派出机构等为成员单位的房地产融资协调机制(以下简称协调机制)。The coordination mechanism should clarify the division of work, strengthen overall planning, refine policies and measures, and do all work in detail。定期组织各方会商,及时研判本地房地产市场形势和房地产融资需求,协调解决房地产融资中存在的困难和问题。Build a communication platform between government, banks and enterprises, and promote accurate docking between real estate development enterprises and financial institutions。保障金融机构合法权益,指导金融机构与房地产开发企业平等协商,按照市场化、法治化原则自主决策和实施。

  第三条满足合理融资需求金融机构按照市场化、法治化原则评估协调机制推送的支持对象,Projects with normal development and construction, sufficient collateral, reasonable assets and liabilities, and guaranteed repayment sources,Establish a green channel for credit,Optimize the approval process and shorten the approval time limit,Actively meet reasonable financing needs;For projects that encounter temporary difficulties in development and construction but can basically balance the funds,We will not blindly take out loans, cut off loans, or pressure loans,Support will be provided through the extension of existing loans, adjustment of repayment arrangements and new loans。At the same time, we will strengthen the closed management of loan funds and strictly prevent credit funds from being misappropriated for land purchase or other investments。

  (24) Supporting enterprises to carry out group buying activities for commercial housing。持续面向全市组织有团购意向的项目企业开展商品住房团购活动,鼓励企业自主推出团购优惠政策。

  Policy interpretation:

  According to the reality of our city。

  25. Promoting the construction of supporting facilities。确保房地产开发项目如期交付使用,完善项目周边基础设施配套,方便百姓就医、就学、出行。项目周边医院、学校、道路、公交、水、电、气、热和绿化等配套设施按规划及时建设到位。配套建设工程超前列入各级政府年度投资计划,确保小区基础设施配套与小区项目交付同步完成建设。

  Policy interpretation:

  According to the reality of our city。


  Policy interpretation:

  According to the reality of our city。

  (27) Strengthen supervision over the whole construction process of real estate projects。We will further standardize real estate development and operations,Strictly implement the provisions of the Opinions on Strengthening the Supervision of the Whole Process of Real Estate and Public Construction Projects,Implement the main responsibilities of all parties and the regulatory responsibilities of administrative departments,Ensure the quality and safety of construction works,Avoid creating new "suspension of construction" and other problems,We will promote the steady and sound development of the real estate industry。

  Policy interpretation:

  1.质量监管内容:负责检查按施工技术标准和施工图设计文件进行施工情况;进场的建筑材料、建筑构配件和设备报监理单位(建设单位)审查情况;在资质等级许可范围内从事建设工程活动情况等施工单位质量行为。To supervise the completion and acceptance of the project, and issue the supervision report。

  2.Supervisors should keep track of the progress of the project and guide the construction site at least once a week。项目施工放线、脚手架搭设、深基坑施工、隐蔽工程施工等关键部位、重点环节施工,监管人员须知晓,必要时应到现场监督。

  3.监管人员对工程竣工预验收中发现的问题,及时督促相关责任主体予以整改,对未按要求整改到位的,报相关部门予以处理。Ensure that the construction projects delivered for completion and acceptance are in conformity with the prescribed quality standards and completion conditions。

  (28) Strengthen the supervision of commercial housing development and sales and pre-sale funds。Real estate enterprises will strictly examine and approve applications for pre-sale of commercial housing,Projects that have been approved for pre-sale shall be subject to strict supervision,The municipal Housing and Construction Bureau should establish a strict supervision mechanism,Effectively perform regulatory duties,Weekly dispatch to monitor the use of sales and pre-sale funds for projects under construction,Promptly discover and strictly deal with violations of laws and regulations in the sale and use of pre-sale funds of commercial housing。

  Policy interpretation:

  1.Real estate enterprises will strictly examine and approve applications for pre-sale of commercial housing,开发建设项目工程形象进度3层以下(含3层)的商品房项目应当完成基础和结构工程;4层以上(含4层)的商品房项目,With a basement project,The foundation and first floor structural works shall be completed;No basement works,The foundation and 4-story structural works shall be completed。


Project progress

Supervision ratio

Blank delivery

Hardcover delivery

Mixed delivery

The number of built floors does not reach 1/2 of the total number of planned and designed floors




The number of built floors reaches 1/2 of the total number of planned and designed floors




Main capping




The main masonry and the exterior wall of the building have been decorated




The construction of public areas, pipe network supporting facilities and park landscape in the building has been completed




Construction project completion acceptance record




First registration of immovable property




  (29) Real estate development enterprises with major operational risks are included in the key supervision objects。对无资质开发、超资质开发、资质不在有效期内开发、不按规定办理项目资本金监管、供水、供热等各单项工程不验收即交付使用、资金链断裂导致工程烂尾、不及时办理产权登记等情形,Included in the list of key supervision,Handle in accordance with relevant laws and regulations。

  Policy interpretation:

  《十大菠菜靠谱老平台》第三十一条:市开发主管部门、相关行政管理部门和金融机构应当将严重失信的房地产开发企业Included in the list of key supervision,限制其开发新的房地产项目、参与新的土地出让等活动。

Jilin City housing and urban-rural construction Bureau

April 28, 2024

Original policy:Jilin City People's Government Office on the issuance of Jilin City to promote the stable and healthy development of real estate market measures notice

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